Monday 3 May 2010

Post-Production, its finally here!

So I finally filmed the animation last week, and took a long long time. An entire day to set up all the lighting rigs for the green-screen. I had about five different lights and and loads of white surfaces to bounce the light. I honestly felt like David Cameron whith my cameras and lights and control thingys. Sam our resident animation expert/technician helped me a lot, and in the exceedingly unlikely chance that your reading this sam, I want tog ive a shout out to ya. You rule!

I didnt realise just how much work it would be, and i think its safe to say i won't be doing any green screening in the near future if i can help it. It was a fun experience learning how it all works though.

So now i its in post production and being messed around with in Adobe After Effects, and will soon be available for public viewing. i make it sound so grand...

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